Management Board of Black Pearl S.A. _”Company”, “Issuer”_ with its registered office in Warsaw informs that on January 14th, 2022, the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, made an entry in Section 1 Heading 9 – Share Issue, resulting from the redemption of 300,000 shares held by Janusz Skopowski and the split of the remaining shares by 1:100 _Resolution attached_.
After the redemption and split, the number of BPC shares is 245,338,000, representing 100% of the share capital and votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders. The nominal value of each share after the split is PLN 0.10, and the share capital is PLN 24,533,800.00.
Thus, after performing these operations, the parity of minority shareholders increased, and the shareholding structure is as follows:
– Janusz Skopowski: 77.66% of the total number of shares and votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders,
– Midorana Investment Ltd _a subsidiary of Janusz Skopowski_: 2.82% of the total number of shares and votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders,
– other shareholders _Free Float_: 19.52% of the total number of shares and votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Information is important and is of fundamental importance in the Issuer’s development strategy.